Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Facts About Beer Glasses

All right so you are giving your customers beer glasses, but do you know what kind of beer glasses to give away? Do you know what your customers want? Well, why not look at all the various types of beer glasses that do exist and choose the ones you think your customers would like the most. The more they like them, the more they use them and the more advertising your company gets.

Beer glasses are glasses designed specifically for use for drinking beer. Many times the glass will dictate the type of beer that goes in it. Many glasses will showcase appearance, enhance the aroma and even affect the beer head, which is the foam on top.

How to Choose the Right Beer Glass

• Wheat beer glass -This is a glass that is used to serve wheat beer, which finds its origin in Germany. It has a narrow bottom and a wide top to help release aroma and to provide large beer head.

• Pilsner Glass - This type of glass is used extensively for pilsner beers or pale lager beers. These are tall and slender and can vary greatly in color. They help to control the carbonation of the beer and the narrow top maintains the beer head.

• Beer Stein - A very well-known type of beer glass, it comes from Europe and while sometimes made from glass can be made from earthenware, wood, silver, pewter and porcelain. It typically has a hinge lid on the top. It was used created during the time of the Black Plague to allow people to drink their ale without worrying that diseased flies would fall into their drink.

Beer Glasses - A General Overview

• Flute glass: This glass is used in Belgium for lambics and fruit beers. It has a narrow shape that controls the carbonation and provides a great deal of aroma. The sparkling color is often displayed in these glasses to great effect.

• Tulip Glass: This type of glass traps in the aroma creates large beer heads and helps aid the visual sensation of the beer. The bottom of the glass flares out while the top narrows to retain the beer head.

• Beer Boot: A very well-known and popular type of beer glass is the beer boot. For over 100 years, the beer boot has been used throughout Europe as a container for all sorts of beverages. Originating when a general promised his troops to drink beer from his boot if they were successful in battle, when they won the battle the general had a glassmaker make a beer boot out of glass that he could drink.
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